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The training programs casino online (22th May & 23th May) are full. Thank you for your support! 承接去年成功舉辦「第一屆初創動畫企業支援計劃」的經驗,香港數碼娛樂協會在香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」辨公室的贊助下,舉辦「第二屆動畫支援計劃」,繼續發掘本地更多具潛質的新晉及小型動畫企業,並提供資金和完善的配套計劃,包括技術培訓、人才配對服務及師友響導計劃等,以鼓勵他們製作更多具本地特色的原創動畫,從而展示創意和技術能力,並協助他們尋找合作夥伴及爭取客戶。
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The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.