The “12th Animation Support Program” will continue to nurture animation start-ups with potential for further development and support the small animation enterprises to produce their original animation works.
- Targets at the three categories of animation enterprises, namely the animation start-ups (with not more than 6 years of history and not more than 8 full time staff) and small animation enterprises (with not more than 9 years of history and not more than 15 full time staff) by providing training in basic productions and a maximum subsidy of HK$120,000 and HK$220,000 respectively, and small animation enterprises (with not more than 30 full time staff) by providing training in advance productions and a maximum subsidy of HK$550,000, for each of them to produce a respective animation work with story line of at least 3 / 5 / 10 minutes;
- Provides training program on business and technical skills tailored for animation companies;
- Provides mentorship by industry professionals to participating animation enterprises;
- Organizes trade promotion program including premiere and press conference, promotion on social media and internet, participation in the Hong Kong International Film & TV Market 2025 (FILMART) and other activities, etc., and encourages the participating animation start-ups and small animation enterprises to take part in local and international exhibitions and competitions.